Alexander Technique Exercise: Semi-supine

Whilst researching keywords to help my website rank well in search engines, I discovered that one of the most searched for phrases is "Alexander Technique exercises".  This must be very frustrating for those who are doing the searching, as any Alexander Teacher will tell you, there's no such thing as an Alexander Technique exercise! The word exercise implies something you do, and the problem is that you'll filter any instruction through your current filter of the way you habitually move. To do something new, you effectively have to stop doing! The Alexander Technique applies to any activity, whether it's sitting, standing, running, doing yoga, playing a musical instrument, you name it and Alexander can be applied to it. It's more about the way that you do it, the quality you bring to it, rather than the activity itself. That said, if we swap the word "exercise" for "exploration" then we're on the right path and I can let my professional pedantry remain intact.

Alexander Technique London helping with semi-supine and constructive rest
Picture by Aron Cserveny and used with permission by Tim Soar MSTAT


So, the most common Alexander "exercise" is known as semi-supine, or constructive rest (I prefer the latter name) and essentially consists of lying down, pretty easy, eh?! The specifics are that you lie on your back with your knees raised pointing upwards (as this takes pressure off the lower back), feet flat on the floor and your head raised/supported by something firm, typically a book. If you were to stand with your back to a wall you'll notice that your head does not actually touch the wall, and this is normal. That is why your head needs to be supported when lying down on your back as gravity naturally pulls the head back towards the floor and this puts an undue strain on your neck. We're all different shapes and sizes which is why it's common to use a book (or several books, but yoga blocks work nicely too) as it's easier to find the right height of support for you with a little trial and error.  If in doubt, it's better for the support to be a little high than too low. The reason that a cushion isn't suitable is that it's harder for your neck muscles to fully release as your head never feels fully supported by a soft base. Another thing to be aware of is that your head is rotated forward in relation to the neck, just as in standing and described in greater detail here.


Lying like this is a good neutral position to allow your spine to release into gravity and give yourself the opportunity to become aware of muscle tension and allow yourself to release it. It's an embodied mindfulness exercise that gives you the opportunity to explore the quality of your mind and how that affects your body. It's also worth noting that if you were flipped 90 degrees into vertical, it's the same great neutral alignment for sitting and standing, although your postural muscles/reflexes would have to kick back into gear. 


Now, the one thing we don't want to happen is to introspect, that is, to mentally go inside your body. Keep your awareness wide and out into the room. Even being aware of the space between your fingers and toes can be helpful. The more awareness you have of the space around you the better you can release out into it.


And don't be surprised if you actually find doing as little as possible quite difficult. We're all quite fidgety and impatient these days, that's what we're up against when we use Constructive Rest to neutralize that.


There's a couple of simple variations you might like to try. For space considerations it's usual to place the hands on the abdomen, but if you have room it's really nice to spread your arms out to your sides.  It's a great way to open up the front of the chest, especially if you've been hunched over your computer all day. What pulls the shoulders forward is the muscles at the front of the shoulder and chest pulling inwards towards your center line The solution to having your shoulders rounded forward is not to pull them back but to release your whole chest (right out to the armpits) into width.


The other option, especially if you feel like your legs want to flop to one side and you're struggling to balance them, is to rest the lower legs up on a chair or bed. This one is great for really letting the lower back release.


When it's time to get up, roll on to your side first.


One caveat, if you're in your 2nd trimester and beyond of pregnancy then lying on your is often not recommended as the womb can press on the vena cava blood vessel. It's the blood vessel that carries de-oxygenated blood back to the heart and restricting it can leave you feeling faint.


It's common to lie like this during an Alexander lesson, whilst a teacher works with you to help you release tension, but it's also just great thing to do for yourself between lessons and as an ongoing practice. And if someone starts to bother you whilst you're doing it, point out to them that you're busy, doctors orders!


So, time for another 5 day challenge, why not spend 15 minutes each day when you get home from work doing some constructive rest and report back on what you have discovered and how it has helped you.


Come and find out if the Alexander Technique is the solution you were looking for. You've got nothing to lose but your pain!


Please feel free to contact me for a no obligation chat to see how the Alexander Technique can help you too.

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Comments: 4
  • #1

    Anna (Tuesday, 05 May 2015 17:58)

    this looks really interesting, going to give it a try

  • #2

    T W (Thursday, 07 May 2015 15:32)

    Lying on the floor as I type this! Putting the phone down now.

  • #3

    lis vandyk (Wednesday, 26 October 2016 22:18)

    I especially enjoy the yoga posture of lying on back with legs vertical against a wall, forming an L shape, very relaxing

  • #4

    Lynn (Friday, 16 August 2024 01:08)

    Recently had: Lumbar laminectomy L2/5 and
    Bilateral foramenotomies L2/5.
    My shoulders are rounded in and I lean forward a little. Would this help?